Apocalypse Theory

Learning Pixel Art

I decided to start taking some pixel art courses so I can make my own game art. Its not much but I started out with a silhouette of an old man.
Learning Pixel Art

I decided to start taking some pixel art courses so I can make my own game art. Its not much but I started out with a silhouette of an old man.

I know it might look like a monster, however, it is suppose to be an old man in a hood. I had an idea for a game that involves an old mans journey through his final days. A very solemn and calm prospect but I feel it fits nicely into the theme of a Game Jam I have been considering taking part in where the theme is cycles.

I did a few other simple figures, nothing to brag about but I think it is neat how easily simple low quality characters are to make

I know they are rather hard and small to see. Well back to my course, hopefully I will have something bigger, higher quality, and more detailed to show off soon.

If anyone is interested, I am taking the pixel art courses from Game Dev TV

I would wait until they have a $15 dollar sale or they are on a Humble Bundle bundle.

Apocalypse Theory

A creative journey exploring the end.

Apocalypse Theory

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