Apocalypse Theory

Alchemist of the Shadow Bureau

Alchemist of the Shadow Bureau
Apocalypse Theory Mascot Creeper

This is just a quick update announcing I have started working on a new video game.

You are tasked with managing and distributing alchemical supplies for covert missions. Working with limited resources you have to match what you send to the field teams with the goals of the mission. Fulfill orders honestly to further the agenda of the shadow government. Each morning you can read the newspaper to see the result of your work.

That is the concept of Alchemist of the Shadow Bureau. I am working on this game for the Pirate Software 15th Game Jam. I have included a link below but it is not ready yet. Feel free to check in and see if I am making any progress on it

This will be my first game built using EBitEngine. I started picking up Go a few months back and am absolutely in love with the language.

I still have a lot to learn with this game engine so not sure if I will have this done in time for the Game Jam or not.

Apocalypse Theory

A creative journey exploring the end.

Apocalypse Theory

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