Apocalypse Theory

You are not alone

I hate people who say things along the lines of "We all die alone"

That just isn't true, that is the product of a defeated soul.

We might need to take that last journey alone, MIGHT, I highly doubt even that though.

However, we will have those who will see us off. Even if not physically, they are with us within our hearts and souls. I am standing alone in my office writing this but I do not feel alone. My children and wife are sleeping in their beds in the house. My family is all around this area. I have the memory of those I have lost in my heart. I am not alone. I feel blessed by how full of love and happiness my life has been. The friends and family who have walked by me on my journey thus far, and will continue to do so as long as this journey continues.

I have had those moments I felt alone, However, much like happiness and despair come from within... so does loneliness.

That is not to even mention that I believe God is real, and is out there. I don't believe we are ever alone.

Just some random thoughs.

Apocalypse Theory

A creative journey exploring the end.

Apocalypse Theory

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